What Would You Do If You Weren’t Afraid? (Book Summary)


What can I get? Learn how the Torah course changes lives.

When Mikhail Osman walked into the lobby of Facebook’s London office, he was surprised to see the words on the wall: “If you were not afraid, what would you do?” These words particularly hit Osman because she was often on Osman. Recognize yourself. Afraid. She worries that if her children go to school for field trips, they might die. She is worried that her friend will have a car accident. For Osman, the fear is constant. She has Jewish ancestry and discovered unique concepts and principles that helped her better understand her worries and find inner peace. We will study them and apply them to our daily lives.

Jewish wisdom helped the author find the answer to her persistent anxiety and depression. 

If you have met a therapist, you may have told them about your childhood. Author Michal Osman has done this most of his life. She has experienced fear; she also has depression, so she asks the therapist for help but always pays attention to her childhood and parents.

Osman knew that his education was not a problem, but his childhood was not. Typical: His father is a coroner, so his job is to examine the body. Other family members survived the concentration camp during the massacre but are still traumatized.

It is not surprising, but he talked to his parents and accepted it. Childhood is not a problem: Osman knows there are other reasons behind her anxiety and depression, but the therapist can only let her go back in time.

Osman grew up in a secular Jewish family, so he was not familiar with the teachings of the Torah and Jewish spirituality until his later years.

Her journey of discovery of these time-honored concepts begins as an adult. Osman read “A Man’s Search for Meaning” by Viktor Frankl, a psychiatrist, and neurologist. They survived the Nazi concentration camps and used his experience to gain a deeper understanding of the human condition To understanding.

An essential part of Frankel’s philosophy is what he said. He developed a psychotherapy called meaning therapy, which means treatment. Osman did some research and felt that he now got something that other therapists couldn’t give him. It is close to the actual answer.

Soon after reading Frankl’s book, Oschman heard a speech by Facebook CEO Ms. Nicola Mendelssohn. Mendelssohn outlined his main priorities regarding family, four children, and observance of the Jewish Sabbath.

It overwhelmed Osman. He is one of those executives who have achieved professional success by accepting and observing his role as a mother. Then

Osman met Keith Miriam Leventhal, a professor of Jewish psychology. When Oshamn told him about his anxiety and depression, Leventhal suggested that he take a spiritual course. It is Oshman’s first step into a new life.

Jewish experience teaches us to discover our flame and reveal our purpose.

At first, Osman didn’t know how to teach Torah how to help her cope with anxiety and depression, but she soon realized that the teachings of the Holy Books of Judaism were practical and helpful. Closer to the meaning of life described by Frankel.

Let’s start with Neshama. Torah uses this Hebrew word to explain how God injects life into the human body. This intangible thing within us is the driving force of life, usually called the soul. Some items can separate us from our soul, from Neshama. This obstacle, called Kelapa, can be money, fame, or even professional ambition. It can hide what is important and what we should do to ourselves—our precious time on earth.

Torah teaches that there is a flame burning, eager to realize the potential of each of us. That flame is the only reason why God breathes life into us. Unfortunately, there are many ways to keep a distance from the material world.

It brings us to the next lesson: practice bit tool. Remember, the world is not just you. Some Torah courses are about letting go of your ego, and the Bittool part is about this. It is also a way to remove the obstacles that prevent you from achieving your goals.

Focus on your ego. The further you are from your true meaning, this will only increase your fear. It is why the beat tool is not only about self-dissolution but also about relocating to the community. It reminds us that instead of thinking about how to help ourselves, it is better to think about how to help others.

A little practice seems a bit like self-esteem. If you want to try it, here are some questions.

Think about your past and present. What makes your life the most meaningful? What activities are suitable for you? On the other hand, what thoughts, fears, or actions are useless?

Make it easy to delve into these issues, but try to solve them because the answers can be transformative.

Errors and brokenness are essential paths to maturity.

There is an old song Gesher Tzar Mod. We can hear it no matter where the Jewish children are, whether they are in the summer camp or on the school bus. The name is essentially a very narrow bridge, a metaphor for the road of life.

It is a good lesson for the author. His life is full of fear and anxiety of paralysis. But the wisdom of the Jews. It taught him that even a tiny first step could change his life.

We often worry about making mistakes or hurting ourselves, but we can learn to look at things differently.

Facebook has a famous workplace slogan: “Fail harder.” Facebook executives know that innovation will not happen if they proceed with caution. It is why the idea of ​​not being afraid of failure is rooted in the corporate culture.

The author experienced this firsthand when he received his first significant diploma. The project. On Facebook. The deadline is imminent, and her colleagues see this. In the end, she did not waste time talking about things but gave orders to people. The project was ultimately successful, but Osman knew that things would not get better in Deep Down. As a leader, he failed.

However, the authorities congratulated Oshman on his first failure. The feedback was: think and learn from what happened. It’s time to start your next project. It is okay to make mistakes in the future, but the premise is not to repeat the same mistakes.

This method helps reduce anxiety in the workplace, similar to the Hebrew concept of shvira or fragility.

“There’s nothing more complete than a broken heart.”

Rabbi Menachem Mendel Morgenstern

As the author understood, the meaning of this sentence and the entire Judaism Shvira concept is that fragmentation is an inevitable part of life and an essential part of growth. When we break, maturity, wisdom, and strength will enter the cracks.

Learning to drive like a mensch is about providing space, as well as being positive and righteous.

You don’t have to be a CEO or military leader to be a leader. One of the essential rabbis in Jewish history is Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. He said, “everyone should be a leader.” All you need is help to contribute to the world, something you want to stand up for. If you pursue this career bravely and honestly, you will become a leader.

One of the most mysterious Jewish concepts is tsimtzum, which means contraction or contraction. The term comes from the idea of ​​how God created the universe. It is said that he reduced his existence to make way for his creation.

The author also learned something from this concept, especially in his leadership role. Now he thought, sometimes it’s better to take a step back. Making room for others is very important-people will grow only if you give them the space they need.

Reducing your authority can also mean suppressing your judgment and self. If you give others a position, they will express their feelings more comfortably and ultimately show their best.

But letting people rest does not mean giving up feedback. Wisdom can help. Tikkun is beneficial. The word means “repair” or “correct.” You must constantly improve yourself and the world around you. It is a tradition.

The author uses 1% of feedback tools. It is based on the idea that everyone is around 99% overall. Therefore, if you need to adjust something, you only need to discuss one percent.

This method is not only applicable to the workplace. The author uses it at home, and his children now rate the reviews as positive. They even asked: “What percentage can you give me?

Ultimately, the goal is to behave like a man. Human is another way of saying a good person, an honest and honest person. But not only that, it must be a must An indispensable attribute. For any leader, it is not to gain fame and attention but to help others succeed.

Parenting should be about teaching values rather than declaring control.

Any mother or father will state that parenting is like leadership. A similar principle applies: Give up your position and lead wisely. Mothers are under tremendous pressure and want to be perfect. But fighting for it is a stupid game. Cultivate children’s outstanding qualities. Instead, the main concern should be to provide care, support, and love.

“Teach a child according to his way; even when he grows old, he will not turn away from it.”

King Solomon

It is about guiding children, not forcing them to take a particular path. Torah teaches that as a parent, you must make discovery easier. Your job is to provide children with everything they need and let them know who they are and what is essential.

In Hebrew, the word “education” used in Torah is chinukh. It is also related to values, and this is where parents can play a role. Everyone hopes that their child will grow into a decent person. No matter which occupation you choose, you must first be a male. It means teaching the value of giving back. 

The author has four children and encourages them to do volunteer work. In her opinion, this is her child’s vitamin V.

These tools based on Hebrew wisdom are now available in the author’s work and family. However, to use them correctly, you need to understand another fundamental concept: teshuva. The word means repentance or repentance. It is a basic principle and an integral part of the Day of Atonement.

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